Mid-Market Healthcare Software Company


This software company was growing by 40-50% per year. As they scaled, they needed a consistent data-driven business process to approach deal strategy, deal coaching, and forecasting. Leadership was involved in most large deals when the company began. As they continued to grow, that was no longer possible. The company needed a system that ensured they could maintain their win rates and forecasting accuracy as their sales force experienced rapid expansion.

As a technology company, they turned to DealIQ technology to assist them in solving challenges like implementing a consistent deal language and effective deal reviews. This tactic resulted in increased accuracy in forecasting reports for the board of directors.


After implementing DealIQ, the company increased win rates and growth—beating its sales goals for three straight years in a row.


About Us

  • Troy Kanter

    Troy Kanter

    Co-Founder & CEO
    Troy Kanter serves as CEO of AuctusIQ. Kanter has been transforming sales organizations and their revenue streams for more than 25 years. Prior to co-founding AuctusIQ, Kanter served as CEO of TwentyEighty, a $300M learning and performance management firm and the holding company of the world’s largest sales training organization.
    More about Troy
  • Courtney McCashland

    Dr. Courtney McCashland

    Co-Founder & Chief Officer of Science and Strategy
    As Co-Founder and Chief Officer of Science and Strategy for AuctusIQ, Dr. McCashland brings academic and applied insight to how the talents, experience, knowledge, and skills of the salesforce can be measured and managed to shorten the sales cycle and increase sales production.
    More about Dr. Courtney
  • Tim Geisert

    Tim Geisert

    Tim Geisert serves as a Partner at AuctusIQ. He is the executive on the leadership team that crafts the vision, shapes the product strategy, and inspires teams to grow the business. That, and more than 30 years of experience growing companies through marketing and sales, is what Geisert brings to AuctusIQ.
    More about Tim